Display Settings Group on the S2 // Diagnostics Tab

Use the commands in this group to complete such tasks as show or hide analyzer panes, activities, and logic links, and run a benchmark comparison.


Click this icon to hide or display analyzers, activities, and logic. The drop-down menu allows you to select the information you wish to display or hide.

Field Description
Ribbon Analyzer Display or hide the ribbon analyzer.
Phase Analyzer Display or hide the phase analyzer.
All Activities Display or hide activities within the ribbons in the ribbon view.
Logic Display or hide logic links between activities in the ribbon view.

Other Settings

Click this icon to select a benchmark comparison and font size.

Field Description
Benchmark Comparison Use the selected metric result as a benchmark for which to compare all other results. You can select one of two formulas on which to base your comparison:
  • Based on Metric Primary Formula compares the current ribbon or phase in the ribbon view with all the rest using the primary formulas.
  • Based on Metric Secondary Formula compares the current ribbon or phase in the ribbon view with all the rest, using the secondary formulas.
Reset Display Click to reset all display settings and return the view to the default display. Acumen:
  • Ribbons menu group:
    • Turns off Single Ribbon under projects
    • Sets Ribbons grouping to Projects
    • Sets Fields > Selected Field > Outputs to Critical
    • Selects Fields > Discrete
    • Sets Fields > Grouping Type > Number of Intervals to 7
    • Deselects Fields > Delimiter > Show Hierarchy
    • Removes grouping by resources
    • Sets Hierarchical Structures to WBS
    • Sets the Ribbon Analyzer chart to Bar chart and deselects Show Markers and Show Legend
  • Phases menu group:
    • Resets Trend Analysis Start and Finish dates to the project start and finish dates and sets the Interval to Years
    • Sets the Phase Analyzer chart to Line and deselects Cumulative, Show Markers, and Show Legend
    • Sets Projects with snapshots to the first project in the list
  • Intersections menu group: Sets Intersections chart to Line, selects Show Markers, and deselects Show Legend and Cumulative
  • Analyze menu group: Selects Analyze Visible Activities Only and deselects Include Exclusions and Show Log
  • Logic menu group: Selects Driving Logic Only and deselects all other Tracing Mode options
  • Display Settings menu group:
    • Selects Ribbon Analyzer and Phase Analyzer and deselects All Activities and Logic
    • Sets Other Settings > Font to 12
    • Selects Other Settings > Benchmark Comparison > Based on Metric Primary Formula
  • Activity Browser Modes menu group:
    • Selects the Tabular view
    • Heat Map settings:
      • Size Represents: Selects Original Duration
      • Color Represents: Selects Remaining Duration
      • Color Scale: Selects Green to Red
      • Group Activities By: Selects None
      • Activity Type: Selects Normal. Deselects Milestone, Summary, and Level of Effort
      • Activity Status: Selects Planned, In Progress, and Complete
      • Criticality: Selects Critical and Non Critical
      • Top / Bottom Rules: Selects Top 10 Activities
    • Deselects Detailed, Gantt Chart, and Scorecard
  • Removes all activity filters